• bait@bait.bg
  • +359 2 946 1513
  • 36, Dragan Tsankov Bul., Interpred WTC Sofia, Office B339 ,Sofia 1040 ,Bulgaria
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Mariya Veleva
floor 9, 2 Klokotnitsa St business building IVEL 1202 Sofia Bulgaria
0888 955 341
BALKAN INSURANCE BROKERS was founded back in 1998 and is one of the pioneers of the Bulgarian insurance market. BALKAN is today a professional insurance broker with over 140 employees in Bulgaria in 60 offices across the country. Since 2015, BALKAN has its own office in Bucharest. We have been operating for more than 10 years in Romania, North Macedonia and Albania, with over 15,000 own clients in Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Moldova. We are members of prestigious Bulgarian associations such as the Bulgarian Association Of Insurance Brokers (BAIB), where we are a co-founder and full member. We are accepted as the only representative from Bulgaria as a member of several of the largest international chains of insurance intermediaries – WBN, UnisonSreadfast, FUNK, TRC. In many cases, we are a contact there not only for Bulgaria, but also for other Balkan countries. As a result of our long-standing successful partnerships, we have established connections and access not only to the London, but also practically to the insurance markets all over the world. BALKAN has a rich and a balanced insurance portfolio in the field of general insurance, life insurance, reinsurance and pension insurance. In addition to providing purely intermediary services, we provide our clients with advice on concluding insurance or assistance in the event of insurance claims. For our large clients, we carry out insurance due diligence and provide specialized risk surveys. We have long-standing clients in the technology sector, who, along with us, are aware of the increased importance of cyber risks. They have been in the focus of the insurance industry for the past ten years. Click also: https://insurecybersec.com