• bait@bait.bg
  • +359 2 946 1513
  • 36, Dragan Tsankov Bul., Interpred WTC Sofia, Office B339 ,Sofia 1040 ,Bulgaria
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Elena Krumova
Sofia, 105A Tsvetan Lazarov bul.
+359 2 902 28 80
“Syscom Engineering AD“ is a Bulgarian company that provides and implements a wide range of solutions in telecommunication, safety & security, smart city & ITS, digital technologies industry as well as laboratory measurements. We have more than 10 years of experience and executed projects with significant influence on society. The success of Syscom Engineering AD is the direct result of the achievements of our team, consisting of highly qualified management personnel, dedicated engineers, designers, and technicians, trained to be effective and responsible. Follow them on social media so that you can get the latest news from first side.