The event is the biggest non-commercial, independent and international B2B conference focusing on ITO and BPO in Germany. This event is a rare occasion for an unbiased dialog between the market attendees, where about 100 participants will discuss, network, learn and benchmark with the goal to gain a better understanding of the market conditions and for each others perspectives.
This years event is organized under the motto: “Interest Alignment Between Buyers And Service Providers” and features several interactive panel discussions, where users/buyers, service providers, sourcing consultants and representatives of public administration share their insights, requirements, experiences and challenges with the audience.
The participation options.
The participants will be coming to 50% form the DACH countries (mostly buyers/influencers) and 50% international. Members of partner associations receive a discount of 10% on all paid participation options.
>> All tickets here:
>> Commercial partnership options (incl. panel seats or speaking slot, exhibition and more) here:
Key participants.
More than 9,000 representatives of ITO/BPO users, consultants and service providers as well as representatives form public administration are invited.
>> Confirmed key participants: CTO Deutsche Telekom, CIO Verbund AG (AT), Chief Expert Business Development Department Mayors Office Municipality of Plovdiv Bulgaria, Director Germany at Capita Europe, Vice Preseident Stefanini, Senior Manager, Germany Trade&Invest (Federal Republic of Germany), Representative of City of Opole Public Administration Office Poland, Managing Director Europe Sutherland, Managing Director CAST Software, Investment Department Republic of Estonia, Senior Consultant Bearing Point, Partner Trestle Consulting, Head of International Affairs and Foreign Investment Department Cluj-Napoca City and others.
>> Among the invited guests are: Ambassador of the Republic of Philipines, Deputy Mayor of City of Opole in Poland, Senior Consultant and CEO at CapGemini, Regional Center Head at Infosys, BPO Director at HP, Center Director Deutsche Bank, Division Director at Ministry of Commerce in The People’s Republic of China, Deputy Director of Lodz Special Economic Zone in Poland, IT-Department at RWE Energie and more.
Market entry & growth workshop
Besides the open discussions and several networking sessions on day 1 of the conference, outsourcing service providers will have the chance to attend the half-day “Market Entry & Growth” workshop on day 2, that is organized in co-operation with Germany Trade and Invest (German Federal Republic). The participation on the workshop is free for all conference attendees.
Contribution to the Acceptance of ITO/BPO.
We believe that with supporting the dialog between the market attendees we will be contributing significantly to optimising communication, a better readiness on user and provider side and ultimately the further growth of acceptance of co-operations with external IT and business process services providers in our markets, specifically in the important mid-market segment.
Event URL: