The registration for BAIT Awards 2016 competition for contribution to the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has started from today, October 3rd, 2016.
The registration will be open until midnight on 16 January 2017 at .
Registration is free.
The competition is open to all companies in the ICT sector, who are registered under the Bulgarian commercial law.
For the 6th time BAIT will present awards in 12 categories for contribution to the development of ICT.
With the idea of reflecting the rapid development of ICT industry, the organizing committee of BAIT has made changes to the categories and regulation this year.
The new moments are: 2 new categories and an opportunity for active students from secondary schools to apply in the competition. There is new regulation for the Special Award category.
The new categories are Outstanding Corporate ICT Project and Internet of Things (IoT) in which companies may submit their applications with their newest projects and solutions.
“Outstanding Corporate ICT Project” category is open for ICT projects of Bulgarian non-ICT companies and for ICT projects, created by ICT companies for their customers in Bulgaria or abroad. The jury will evaluate innovation, scale, technology, process and business challenges, potential for development of the supplier and the customer as a result of project performance, contribution to the positioning of the Bulgarian ICT sector as a reliable partner.
The Internet of Things category is open for developed and existing projects or products in the field of Internet of Things, created by or with the active participation of Bulgarian individuals or teams. The jury will evaluate innovation, business and social impact, current customer base and the potential for development. The project / product must have customers from at least 6 months at the time of applying for the award.
These are the changes in the rules for the Special Award – it will be presented by the jury through internal nominations – no applications will be submitted for this category.
In order to support and stimulate entrepreneurial thinking and activity of the younger generation BAIT has decided to extend the age range of candidates – the “Student Award” category is now “Youth Award” and it’s open not only for university students but also for students from secondary schools individually or in teams, who have created their own project/product, based on ICT.
The 6th edition of BAIT awards will determine the winners also in the following categories: Education Award, Journalist Award, Public Administration Award /state and municipal/, Corporate Social Responsibility Award, STARTUP Company Award, Mobile Solutions Award and Software Entertainment Award.
BAIT Awards competition in the last 4 years were held under the patronage of the President of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev, the entire information on the previous editions and the winners in various categories by years can be seen here.
Registration form, the regulation of competition and the proposals of the sponsors are published on the website of the awards.
The awards will be presented at a ceremony in February 2017.
The competition and the ceremony of “BAIT Awards” for 2016 are held with the support of
Silver sponsors: Microsoft Bulgaria and DSK Bank
Bronze Sponsor: Smart center–Bourgas
In partnership with: BNT, BTA, BNR,, Computerworld, Computer,, TechNews, Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency, National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia Tech Park, National Centre for Safer Internet, Junior Achievement Bulgaria, Innovation Starter, LauncHub, Eleven, Start it Smart, b2b Media,, SocialEvo, and Digital Europe.